Did you know that Squarespace has its very own EDM program built into its platform? If you haven’t started using email marketing yet (you totally should), and you have a Squarespace website, this is an excellent starting point. Squarespace Email Campaigns integrates seamlessly with your website content, as you would expect, and also looks fabulous, with plenty of email templates to choose from, as well as the ability to custom things to suit your brand. Let’s take a closer look at this awesome Squarespace feature in the below video.
This video applies to Squarespace Version 7 and Squarespace Version 7.1. Published 11 March 2020.
This video is part of a series called ‘Website Wednesdays’ that is published on my IGTV channel (@joannetapodicreative) on Instagram, and then re-shared on my YouTube channel. If you have any questions relating to Squarespace or website content please put them in the comments section below and I will answer them in a future episode of Website Wednesdays. Did you find this information useful? I would love to hear your feedback, please feel free to comment below.
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