The rules around selecting a suitable template for your Squarespace website in version 7.0 and the new 7.1 differ between versions. In the below video I cover these differences and show you how you can see templates from both versions. Choosing the right template from the start could save you time in the design process, so it’s a pretty important first step. You will also find some screenshots for reference below the video to help you out.
This video applies to Squarespace Version 7 and Squarespace Version 7.1. Published 25 March 2020.
The Squarespace website template selection pages at a glance…
Squarespace 7.1 Templates
Select a template based on the functionality your website requires that has been pre-determined within that template; for example if you have an online shop, and that is the most vital component of your website, select a template from this group. Pay attention to colours, fonts and other visual layout features. Remember, as 7.1 is a universal template, anything is possible across all the template options.
Accessing Squarespace 7.0 Template Version
For users new to Squarespace I would recommend selecting a template within the 7.1 version, however, If you are familiar with Squarespace 7.0 you may prefer to build your new website in 7.0. Scroll to the bottom of the 7.1 templates page and click the link for ‘templates from the earlier version’ to take you to the Squarespace 7.0 templates page.
Squarespace 7.0 Templates
If you choose to build your website using Squarespace 7.0 it is important to select a template from a family that will provide you the best capabilities and is most customisable as possible (without the use of code). Any template from the Brine Family is the best option, search for this in the provided search area and select from the Brine Family templates displayed based on your website criteria (colours, fonts, general layout).
This video is part of a series called ‘Website Wednesdays’ that is published on my IGTV channel (@joannetapodicreative) on Instagram, and then re-shared on my YouTube channel. If you have any questions relating to Squarespace or website content please put them in the comments section below and I will answer them in a future episode of Website Wednesdays. Did you find this information useful? I would love to hear your feedback, please feel free to comment below.
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