The Announcement Bar is a great feature that you can use to draw your clients attention to something straight away when they visit your website. You can announce a sale in your online shop, use it as a call-to-action towards a specific page or simply make your website visitors aware of important information. Find out how to implement this handy feature by watching the video below, you will also find some screenshots for reference below the video to help you out.
This video applies to Squarespace Version 7 and Squarespace Version 7.1. Published 16 October 2019.
Adding an Announcement Bar to your Squarespace website at a glance…
To add an Announcement Bar in Squarespace go to > Marketing > Announcement Bar, enable the announcement bar from the dropdown menu, then enter your required details in the space provided. You can also add in links to individual words, or have the entire bar act as a button with a clickthrough URL. In the fourth image you can see how the announcement bar appears on my website when viewed on a mobile device.
This video is part of a series called ‘Website Wednesdays’ that is published on my IGTV channel (@joannetapodicreative) on Instagram, and then re-shared on my YouTube channel. If you have any questions relating to Squarespace or website content please put them in the comments section below and I will answer them in a future episode of Website Wednesdays. Did you find this information useful? I would love to hear your feedback, please feel free to comment below.
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