Do you want to drive traffic to your website and direct clients/customers to the right places with a customised landing page that you can link to your Instagram url and your Facebook ‘call to action’ button? Did I hear a “hell yeah”, excellent… watch the video below to find out how. Below the video I have also included some handy code to further style/simplify your landing page for a better user experience.
This video applies to Squarespace Version 7 and Squarespace Version 7.1. Published 30 October 2019.
Code hacks to create a better user experience …
If you would like to simplify the look of your links page so that it looks better on mobile devices and works better to point people in the right direction, you may consider using some code to remove your website header and footer, make the buttons all the same width, or hide an announcement bar if you have one active. You can add code to a particular page by opening your individual page settings and heading to the ‘Advanced’ tab at the bottom, you can then add the code in the space provided.
Version 7.0 & 7.1
Copy this code to hide your website header and footer…
header, footer, {
display:none !important;
Version 7.0
Copy this code to make all your ‘small’ buttons the same width edge to edge, if you want this to apply to a medium or large button swap out the wording for the relevant button size…
.sqs-block-button-element--small {
width: 80% !important;
Version 7.1
Copy this code to make all your buttons the same width edge to edge using the Classic Editor…
div.button-block * {
width: 100%;
Version 7.0 & 7.1
Copy this code to hide your announcement bar…
.sqs-announcement-bar { display: none; }
This video is part of a series called ‘Website Wednesdays’ that is published on my IGTV channel (@joannetapodicreative) on Instagram, and then re-shared on my YouTube channel. If you have any questions relating to Squarespace or website content please put them in the comments section below and I will answer them in a future episode of Website Wednesdays. Did you find this information useful? I would love to hear your feedback, please feel free to comment below.
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