In the video below I’m sharing my go-to tips on the quickest and best ways to link a domain to your Squarespace website. You will also find some screenshots for reference below the video to help you out. Because who’s got time to mess about with the technical stuff when you want to do the fun stuff, like putting your site together, and have it automatically appear online when you’re done, amiright?
IMPORTANT UPDATE: You now have the option to purchase a and/or .au domain directly through Squarespace. This means you don’t have to go through a third-party domain provider if you would like to utilise a and/or a .au for your site url.
This video applies to Squarespace Version 7 and Squarespace Version 7.1. Published 25 September 2019.
Linking a domain to your Squarespace website at a glance…
Connect your domain to your Squarespace website by going to > Settings > Domains.
Once in Domains you can get a domain through Squarespace by clicking the button ‘Get a Domain’. You can connect a domain from a third party provider by clicking the button ‘Use a domain I own’, this will prompt you to enter your domain name. Once your domain name is entered Squarespace may recognise where your domain was purchased, for example GoDaddy, so it will open a pop-up window for your to login to your GoDaddy account and connect your domain automatically.
If you have a domain with a different provider that doesn’t include a simple link-up system to Squarespace you will then need to proceed to your DNS settings in order to integrate these with your domain provider to take your site online.
If you have to link up your domain manually through a third party provider, once you have entered in your domain name you will then click into your domain name under ‘Domains Managed by Third-Party’, this will take you to another window where you will select DNS Settings. Once in DNS settings you will need to take note of your CNAME records and A records to input the ‘Required Data’ and ‘Host’ data in your domain provider profile so that Squarespace can essentially talk to your domain provider and your domain will link-up to your new Squarespace website.
This video is part of a series called ‘Website Wednesdays’ that is published on my IGTV channel (@joannetapodicreative) on Instagram, and then re-shared on my YouTube channel. If you have any questions relating to Squarespace or website content please put them in the comments section below and I will answer them in a future episode of Website Wednesdays. Did you find this information useful? I would love to hear your feedback, please feel free to comment below.
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